
The lumen’s limits: why old measures of light output don’t always work for LEDs, and what to do about it

The lumen’s limits: why old measures of light output don’t always work for LEDs, and what to do about it

When replacing one light source with another, you need a medium of exchange, and lumens exist to serve as that medium. However, LEDs may be the end for the old faithful lumen. In practice we’ve found it to be a significantly inaccurate indicator of brightness where LEDs are concerned.

Buyer beware: the rise and rise of integrated LED products

Buyer beware: the rise and rise of integrated LED products

Integrated LED products are relatively new to the marketplace, appear to be the future, and may or may not be a good idea. We’ll evaluate three major lighting applications that are seeing an influx of integrated options—track lighting, downlights, and troffers—for what they cost, what the products mean for users, and where we recommend using LED lamps versus integrated LED fixtures.

Lights out—the practical life expectancy of LEDs

Lights out—the practical life expectancy of LEDs

How long will a good LED bulb last in a commercial environment? There are so many products and variables, and many possible answers, so let’s lead with our professional opinion: 2-3 years.

Acknowledging that this is a complex and on some level impossible question to answer, here we will explain how we approach life expectancy in our LED fleet.